Laser Vision International LASIK Center
At Laser Vision, we are the most outstanding stand-alone LASIK Center in Thailand which located at Ratchadopisek 48. We provide the highest technology and luxury services with warming atmosphere on services area over 500 sq.m.áá¸ááˇááˇáḠPhakic IOL ááááťáááááźáááśááááážááááśáááážá˘áááááááşáááááśáááśááážááážáááˇáááááśáá ááˇááážááážáááááśá áŹá˘áááááááşáááááśááááá ááááááááááážá ááááááá ááááśááˇááááááśáááááááśáááá˘áááááśááááśáááááśáááĄáśáááá ááźá ááś PRK ááˇá LASIK ááśáážáá áááááˇááážá˘áááááťáááááśáááášáááśááášáááá˘áááážááááááśááááśáááááťááááá˘áááááˇááááááśáááááááááá˘áááááśáá LASIK ááá Phakic IOL á˘áśá ááśááááážáááááá˘áĽáááá áááááááśááá˘áááá Laser Vision International LASIK Center ááśáááááááśáááááťáááśááááá áśá Phakic IOL ááˇáá¸ááśáááááááťáááááˇááśá ááˇáááśááááááˇáááááśáááááťáááśáááááśááśáááá áťáááááááááťááááááˇáááááááá áááááááááá
* The reason is that wearing contacts lenses, for a long time, could change the curvature of the cornea, therefore the refraction have changed as well. Not wearing contact lens, for a while, will cause the shape and the curvature of eye to revert back to its natural shape, enabling us to get more precise data of the cornea.
10/989 Soi Prasertmanukij 33 Nuanchan Buengkum District Bangkok 10230